Connecting with the Community

Connecting with the Community is an effort made by the ICIS Communications Committee to conduct interviews that capture the voices and stories throughout our large community’s history. This space aims to record the contributions of well-known and young professors who have supported this conference by sharing their knowledge, enthusiasm, passion, and advice to improve and make the development of infant studies possible.

Interview with Dr. David Moore

Professor of Psychology and Director of the Claremont Infant Study Center at Pitzer College

Dr David Moore tells us how he got started in infancy research, his main results on sex differences in mental rotation abilities, what his passions are and offers advice for researchers.

Interview with Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Professor of Psychology at Temple University

Dr Kathy Hirsh-Pasek talks about the historical trajectory of methodological research including the headturn paradigm, the influence and richness of play in infancy and gives advice to budding researchers.

Interview with Dr. Roberta Michnick Golinkoff

Professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware, founder, and director of the Child’s Play, Learning, and Development Lab

Dr Roberta Golinkoff introduces us to her work on child’s play and language development, the Stories with Clever Hedgehog project, her findings on caregivers and child attunement, and tells researchers to collaborate because it makes research *FUNNN*!

Interview with Dr. Diane Poulin-Dubois

Professor at Concordia University and Research Chair in Developmental Cybernetics, Psychology

Dr Diane Poulin-Dubois shares her research trajectory and results on social cognition, theory of mind and bilingual cognition, including children’s epistemic trust in robots, and tells young researchers not to make the same mistakes she made early in her career.

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