International Congress of Infant Studies

Our Vision

Our vision is a world in which policies and practices that impact infants are grounded in scientific research on infant learning and development so that all infants thrive in supportive contexts.

Our Mission

ICIS is committed to advancing the understanding of infant learning and development across the globe through the creation, dissemination and promotion of leading edge science.

Our Commitment

The business of the ICIS board and its activities will be openly shared with the membership. A summary of approved board meeting minutes will be posted in the member-only area of the website.



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Glasgow 2020

Letter to NIH Regarding Clinical Trials

Letter to NIH Regarding Clinical Trials

Letter to NIH Regarding Clinical Trials ICIS has written the following letter to NIH regarding Clinical Trials.  Please read through the letter and let NIH know your thoughts regarding their change in policy.  Special thank you to Lisa Oakes for drafting the response....

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New Journal issue is available!

New Journal issue is available!

We at the<em> International Congress of Infant Studies</em>, <em>the Cognitive Development Society</em> and the <em>International Society for Developmental Psychobiology</em>  hold that the pursuit of knowledge embodied by science...

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