Virtual Presentation Guidelines

These instructions will help guide you through the process of creating and recording your individual presentations, which will then be included in the virtual proceedings.

Poster Presentations

Poster Guidelines:

As a poster presenter at vICIS 2020, your poster abstract and author list will be automatically uploaded to the vICIS platform, and in due course you will be provided with a unique link to access your virtual poster. You will then be required to finalise your vposter stand by uploading the following information by 22 June, 2020:

  • PDF version of your Poster
  • A short 5-minute pre-recorded video presentation, summarising the poster is highly recommended!
  • PDF Handouts/supplementary documents, links to videos, or other web based information in support of your poster

Watch an example of a great poster presentation below!


Live Chat & Q&A

Poster sessions:

Poster presenters will be asked to be available to ‘stand’ at their posters during a series of scheduled live poster sessions (during various time zones), to take part in interactive Q&A sessions, in much the same way an onsite poster hall operates.

It is also strongly encouraged that you incorporate Zoom (or equivalent) video chat into your poster session, where possible, so that virtual face to face discussion can take place.

When a poster presenter is not at their stand (due to time zone issues or other commitments), their poster information will be available for virtual attendees to browse and review. There will also be a ‘contact’ button, allowing individuals to connect directly with poster presenters at any time to ask questions and start follow-up discussions.

Symposium Presentations


Symposium Guidelines:

All speaker presentations will be scheduled into the program as simulated live talks. This means that attendees will watch each pre-recorded talk as if being broadcast live — without the stress of live streaming and the potential technical issues that arise from this.

As an organised symposium at vICIS 2020, you will be required to upload the following information by 22 June, 2020:

  • Pre-recorded 2 minute introduction by the symposium chair, summarising the overall presentation and detailing the Q&A format
  • Pre-recorded video presentation per speaker (15-20 minutes, depending on number of speakers). For specific times, please refer to the direct email correspondence
  • Organise and confirm a live Q&A set up – click here for more details

Live Chat & Q&A

Symposia sessions:

Each organised symposium session will be asked (where/when possible) to organise a virtual live Q&A to answer any questions or add to any discussions taking place around a presentation.

For further details and instructions for symposia Q&A, please click here

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